v0.10 Devlog 4

Hey hey guys! So, uh, yeah. Devlog 4! Sorry about being late, I've been VERY busy the last few days and needed to just relax so I wouldn't overload lol :V

Gonna keep it simple, v0.10 is not quite done yet. I wanted it done a few days ago BUT life has a way of blindsiding you... in this case in a good way! I'm going to be moving pretty soon and finally got my first house, so been busy lately looking at place and figuring out the whole homebuying aspect :V This shouldn't affect the process much more NOW but just in case something happens in the future, that's why.

The update is gonna be a bit on the shorter end, for sure, but it'll be  what I will think will get the story out of it's "first episode" mode finally. I will say though, that for those who enjoy what I have done, this will continue to be an upwards degree of quality. Due to my job and general life things, I know production has slowed a bit but I'll never be stopping in full, so please don't worry :V

Besides that, just a pre-warning for all Patrons and Subscribers... I will be changing up how the tiers are gonna be working and I will be slashing and changing the prices of a lot of tiers as well to make it a bit more streamlined and more in tune with both my schedule and more proper rewards for my subscribers. I want to make sure that if you support me, you can just support and if you want to support AND get a benefit, you should do so as well without any issue (there hasn't be so far, but just making sure :V). Along with that, I am also adding the GOBLIN CHARACTER stuff along with all this and have a relative idea of how that's gonna go down!

Essentially, at certain tiers, you can have a quickly generated goblin with a few options that I'll make into a form to fill out! And with it, your goblin should be a part of a plethora of different scenes in the future that you'll be able to spot and enjoy in the background or for bits that need the extra goblins :V It's gonna be fun for the both of us so please stay tuned!

Anyways, that's all for now! I'm not gonna give a definitive date for anything this time, as I said that life is getting a bit wonky atm in a good way, but I'll still try and get out the devlogs as I usually do (though for March, at the proper time lol). Good luck out there and I'll see you soon!

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Nice to hear that someone got blindsided by life in a good way for once. Hope you find a nice house! And no worries about the delays, delivering quality takes time. And real life takes priority.